The latest unicycle handle


I’ve been using my newest unicycle handle for quite a while, and I’m really happy with it. I’ve designed it to fit my geared KH24, and I want to make a newer version that fits on my carbon fiber seatbase for my geared KH36. Maybe I’ll get around to it sometime soon, but for now, here’s the existing one.


Side view:


Top view:


top view detail of front bar ends, with brake adapter. The brake won’t fit on the bar ends, so I created an adapter:


The close bar ends are my “power grips” for climbing steep hills and riding rough muni. I made a special V adapter than can easily be removed, allowing a traditional plastic handle to be used instead:


View from front:


All the places that bolt together are simply small pieces of steel that I brazed onto the tube. I then drilled it, tapped it, and cut the slot to allow it to clamp tight:


It is built from cromoly steel tubing. 22mm diameter (perfect for bar ends). All brazed together, which is *plenty* strong (I tried to brake some of my older brazes with a hammer. It bent, but never broke off).

The basic handlebar and bar ends adds only 11.6 oz (329 grams) to the weight of the unicycle (without the brake adapter piece).

Handle alone: 6.5 oz

Bar ends, long: 5.1 oz (hence, 11.6 oz for the basic setup)

Bar ends, short: 5.6 oz (they are a different brand, and are heavier than the short ones)

Brake adapter: 1.6 oz

V-close bar ends adapter: 2.6 oz

Total: 21.4 oz, 1 lb 5.4 oz – 607 grams (EDITED – I had got this wrong the first time I posted it. I learned how to add since then.). The bulk of the weight is the fact that I have *two* sets of bar ends, which I prefer A LOT more than the regular plastic handle. It allows me to climb steeper things with little effort, and is very ergonomic.

I can’t wait to get my milling machine. It is going to open up a lot more possibilities for things I can create.


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