Yet another unicycle handlebar


I made another unicycle handlebar. This time, taking some ideas from other people and using an old bike seat tube with a T welded on front so I could mount bar ends on it. It works great on the muni, and feels really good for longer distance riding. I used it quite a bit last Saturday when Jason and I did a regular muni ride.

Mounted, unpainted:


With some paint slapped on:


Bronson Silva, of Silva Cycles gave me a couple of brass rods so I could give brazing a try. And oh boy, I love brazing! It is much easier to do then welding, and the joints look really good.

Making the thing was pretty easy. I cut the front bike tube off (including the seat post bolt part), flipped it upside down and brazed a T onto it:




I cut off the extra tubing in front and mounted bar ends on it. Easy as pie! Well, except for the fish-mouth cuts; they are sometimes a pain, even with a hole-cutter on my drill press. While I was cutting one of them out, I pushed down a little too hard and the bit fell out (it is a press fit), broke a tooth, and put some teeth marks on the lower part of the T. Oh well!


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