Your most important breakpoint in Cocoa

Cocoa, Coding

…..drumroll please…and it is…is: objc_exception_throw. You should always have this breakpoint setup in any Cocoa or Cocoa Touch app that you are building.

How do you do it? In Xcode, Run -> Show -> Breakpoints and double click on a new breakpoint. Type it in, ie:

Picture 3 objc exception throw.png

Exceptions in cocoa are, well, exceptional. If your app is throwing them, then you should fix them.

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Jon H

I always break on raise, but there are instances where that doesn’t quite work and this might be better. Thanks!

Jon H

“In Leopard or higher it won’t get hit at all”

Huh. Why is that? Why the change?

This is good to know! Thanks.


Basically, before there may have been multiple ways an exception could be thrown. I don’t know the exact details. The thing to understand now is that there is a single funnel point for them all, which makes breaking on any exception much easier!

Jon H

Okay, cool. I’ve been using break on [NSException raise] since EOF on NeXTSTEP 3.2, so I was wondering what the change was.

wooden joints

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