Tips for getting into unicycling and mountain unicycling


Do you want to just learn to unicycle, or do you want to eventually mountain unicycle (muni)?

If your goal is simply to learn to unicycle, your best bet is to get a cheap starter unicycle. These can cost $40-$160, depending on how you get it and from where. If you want a new one, the easiest way is to buy one from . A good starter uni could be the Torker Unistar CX 20-inch for $86, or the slightly stronger Torker Unistar LX 20-inch. Torker also has 24″ models that you can easily find on — they cost a little more. Another alternative is to search for unicycles — you can usually find them for $40-$80; however, I would not recommend paying over $50 or $60 for a used unicycle on craigslist, as people seem to over value them (especially old rust buckets). Another place to purchase unicycles is You can find 20-24″ inch Torker’s for pretty cheap: Search Results on Amazon. For instance, this CX 24″ is only $90, and would be an ideal unicycle to learn on.

Should you get a 20″ or a 24″ wheel? A lot of people feel that a 20″ wheel is easier to learn on. If your goal is just to learn to unicycle, then get a 20″. If you eventually want to ride it around for some distance, get a 24″ — it will pretty much be just as easy to learn on. A 24″ might also be better for larger people (however, many adults would be fine with the 20″, in my opinion — just get a long seat post. If it is too long, you can always cut it down with a hack saw or pipe cutter).


If you want to get into mountain unicycling, and you are welling to spend the money, then go for the gold, and get the best mountain unicycle for the price. That is the Kris Holm 24″ mountain unicycle (muni), also called the KH24 for short. has the KH24 for $590. Pricey, but it will last you for a long time. The (older model) KH 24 was my first unicycle, and I was glad I didn’t spend $200 on a cheaper model, as I would have eventually got the KH 24.

If you are looking to spend a little less, the Torker DX 24″ is an excellent mountain unicycle for under $300 (usually $260). The main difference is in weight and build quality. The KH is beautifully built and light. The Torker is heavy.

Anyways, this is just a short introduction. Eventually I hope to post more details for helping people who want to get into unicycling. If you need advice, just post a comment or email me.


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