Unicycle ride log, entry 17, May 22, 2008

Logbook, Unicycling

Ride: Home to work. RTL training ride. Totally tired, and I forgot to get stats. Something like 12-13mph average over the 20 mile ride, and about 10 minutes longer than usual. i crashed riding to work due to being too tired! Plus, there was a major headwind that made it really hard to ride in.

I then discovered that the Santa Cruz mountains were on fire, and rode home at 5pm with Shane and Curt (on bikes). I barely kept up, and we averaged 16.0mph on the 9.66 miles from work to Los Gatos. 37 minutes of riding time, and a slightly longer route than what I usually go. Shane gave me a ride from downtown Los Gatos up the hill to home..which was nice!


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