Unicycle ride log, entry 11, May 13, 2008

Logbook, Unicycling

Ride home from work today. Louise also rode home, and I caught up with her going up old Santa Cruz highway. Louise crashed going down our super steep hill to the house; she had 125’s on her Coker and wasn’t using the brake. She has a bit of road rash on her arm and a bad scrape on her side, but she’s been healing fine. It was probably my fault; I was encouraging her to ride the hill, when she normally walks down it. I felt really bad, needless to say, but I took good care of her! So, I zoomed home after she crashed to get the car and pick her up. I lost track of the details of times/hours and reset my speedo a few days later.

Ride: Ride from home to work (Los Gatos to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA). The path: Corbin’s house to work.

Time: 5:15 – ?

Riding Time: 1:45 or 1:50 — I lost track

Distance: 20 ish miles


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