Unicycle Ride Log, April 22, 2008

Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle Ride Log Entry 6 – April 22, 2008

Ride: Earth day ride! Ride from home to work (Los Gatos to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA).

Time: 6:32 to 8:07

Riding Time: 1:33’06 (cycle computer), 1:35 minutes by my watch

Distance: 20.77 miles

Average Speed: 13.3 mph

Max Speed: 26.0 mph (holy crap)

ODO: 609.1 miles

Notes: 150mm crank holes. Geared nimbus 36 with KH hub. The uphill from my house is steel, and it took 25 minutes to go 2.2 miles. Then, down Old Santa Cruz Highway I was cruising at 19-20 mph on the straights and slowing down to 17-18 for the curves and bumpy areas. Past the reservoir it hits a nice gradual downhill, and I looked down and noticed I was going 24mph. I decided to push it a tiny bit; which was a bit scary but still felt good. I grabbed the brake to actually slow myself down to 20mph, and took a look at my cycle computer; 26.0 mph. Insane! I never thought I would go that fast on a unicycle.

Past that, there is a gravel road that parallel’s highway 17 till I hit Los Gatos town. In LG, there are some rolling hills, but once I passed Saratoga High, it was mostly downhill and easily cruising at 20mph. I think the first 2.2 miles at the really slow speed killed my average.


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