UniNam – rest day in Quang Nhai


Today was a relaxed day where we basically did nothing. Well, Ryan got hit by a motorbike, so he did do something (more on that story later!)

I took a few pictures today and you can view them in the album starting here: http://picasaweb.google.com/corbin.dunn/VietnamUnicycleTour/photo#5178687466536374530

Here’s some more detailed description of some of the things I saw today.

This town is a beach town, and other than the beach is full of boats. While walking along the shore you will see lots of crabs scurrying around:

There are lots of boats around, and people in small round wicker basket like boats traveling to and from the boats or little fishing nets that hover over the water. This particular gentleman kept his helmet on for the rough seas:

Fish is brought from the boats to the market on the beach via little round basket boats. They use clothing basket like things to carry all the fish.

The fish in the market is rather smelly and it is almost astonishing that they keep some of the fish right on the sand. The market is literally on the beach:

Now, an interestingly solved problem. how do they get one of the boats up onto the beach for repairs (and to sleep under)?

Here’s the target boat, which I played around with in Aperture:

The answer is a large old military beach truck:

And some axles + wheels to pull it ashore:

Well, tomorrow is a 100k day, so I should get some sleep. Louise is already in bed!


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