Uninam Quy Nhon to Tuy Hoa – Day 8


Last day of riding! We did 70km today, and it was hot, but we had a few hills that broke up the flatness.

Today was a great day of riding. The scenery was beautiful!! I had the video camera and got some great video that I hope to add to pile. Unfortunately, that means I didn’t have the DSLR for as long, but at some points I did take a few pictures.

They start here.

Jason riding through the fields. We saw lots of these rice fields everywhere:

Don’t drink and drive with just flip flops on:

Typical village barn:

One of the interesting things we passed today was granite mine. They actually mine granite by hand, with a hammer and chisel! It is quite amazing, and when riding down the street we could hear the ‘tick tick tick’ of them hitting the granite with the chisels. I took a little bit of video of them doing it, as it was so astonishing to me. After we passed that, we came upon some gorgeous coastal scenery. There are a lot of beautiful islands (or, “ice”-lands as one of our guides would say) nearby and I was quite happy to gaze at them while we road along. After we passed all the islands, we road through a small town and hopped on a bus to travel another 50 or 60 km to arrive at a real four start hotel in the destination beach town. The town is quite touristy, but I saw some gorgeous boulders on the way in that I hope to get my climbing shoes on. Right now Louise is sleeping, so I’ll have to wait a little while until she wakes up. At 2:30 pm we will be leaving to catch a plane to Siagon, our final Vietnam destination!

The kids love us:

One of the last rest stops — it was HOT out

HDR image view from the hotel


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