House for rent (that has my treehouse on it) in Corralitos, ca

General, Treehouses

Most of my family lives in Hawaii, but they still have a house over here in Corralitos, Santa Cruz County, California. My dad decided we should rent it out, so it will be available (starting in April or May).

What is special about this house? Well, my treehouse is on the property, although it is going to not be included in the rental so we have a place to visit and stay at.

My dad posted the following on craigslist:


“Built in 1981 redwood home with dining room and den. two car garage with room for one car, carport, large deck with hot tub. Partial furnish if need. Gated community over bridge on all year creek. Orange trees, lemon trees, macadamia nut tree, plum tree. Great place for Garden. Great views Monterey Bay!! I will keep treehouse – Stan 808 667-2277 stan @ ask about pets – ask for more pics”

So, if you are looking for a place to rent out, it is a beautiful house. Contact me or my dad for more information.


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