It recently came up where someone needed to override some of the default shortcut keys in the NSOpenPanel or NSSavePanel. This is quite trivial to do. First off, the “easy way” would be to add a hidden NSPopUpButton in an accessory view that has the appropriate shortcuts. However, that won’t override the defaults (ie: cmd-r == reveal in finder, cmd-i == finder info window, cmd-a == select all, etc). To override these, you would subclass the appropriate panel:
@interface MyOpenPanel : NSOpenPanel
@implementation MyOpenPanel
– (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSLog(@”…test”); // an example of where you would do your key testing
return [super performKeyEquivalent:theEvent];
You would then use it via something like:
[MyOpenPanel openPanel]
Easy to do…