Project Hutchinson: The tiles. The doors. The windows. Still to come: More work.

DIY Home Remodeling, General

We got all the tiles up! here are some of the last of em:

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I’ve been having working on finishing our new doors.

We bought three Simpson brand doors from San Lorenzo Lumber, in Santa Cruz. Two are large french doors that will be the main entrance, and the other is a single french door that will be for the side of the house (along the same wall).

They come unfinished and are fir.

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Here you can see the doors; I pulled them out of the frame to finish them.

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Here is a picture of our new main front door; gorgeous double french doors!

Louise found a great Cherry stain that I put on the doors. It looks really good, except for one spot where i missed whiping it on the other side of the door, and it looks a little drippy (oh well).

Img 4512

I decided to put Spar Urethane on the doors. Apparently, it is good for outdoor doors. However, I hate it. Putting it on has left little dust things and/or bubbles (I’m not sure which). They look like tons of tiny bumps on it. If you look carefully in the above picture, you can see them, but a better way is with Apertures loop tool:


Ahh, aperture‘s loop tool. It is über cool. The gang at apple definitely creates some really wonderful software, and aperture is in doubt a wonderful piece of work. It is the main “pro app” i use for testing my AppKit work.

So, I’ve tried many things; putting on the stuff without whiping the brunsh (so it doesn’t get air in it). Putting it on with tapping the brush. Putting it on in a dust free room. Putting it on too thick (that made nice fat drips that i’ve had to sand off). Nothing really worked. finally, i read on the internet, that a good final coat is to use some of the spray Spar Urethane that you can buy in cans. That worked! I also heard from someone else that you should think it, and that’s the trick to getting a good finish. It just seems really strange, since it says to not thin it on the can!

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So, I sanded off the doors, sprayed a final coat of that on, and it turned out pretty good!

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In the above picture you can clearly see the finished product. We are really happy with the way they turned out.

Then, last week, Earl got the doors put in:

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This is a bad picture, taken at night, but they look great! Louise picked out the nice black handles. I need to finish putting them together.

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Here you can see the new windows that Earl put in. We are really excited to have these in. They make the house look much more open and spacious. They also let a lot more natural light in! I need to finish up the details, like putting the electrical back in.

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We also recently took the ugly wallpaper off the ceiling. This is a picture of louise doing some of the work.

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And, as you can see, I did some of the work too!

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Louise really liked my ripped up pants.

We took turns wearing the ugly yellow sunglasses. I had gotten those for free and the first (and only) sharks game i went to w/Jason (or was it JR? I’m now getting my friends confused!)

Till next time, gang! corby-d.

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