Proteas. Macro Photography.
Today, I went to the UCSC Arboretum with Chris Bensen and took some great pictures in between some pouring rain downfalls. I used my 100mm macro lens, and I got a few good shots. Take a look at my favorites here at Corbin’s Pictures – Proteas – UCSC Arboretum.
Here’s an oversight.
Here is a gorgeous protea, glistening in the rain:
A really cool depth of field in this photo of a Bansky (sp):
Cool droplets, falling off the flower:
My dad used to grow proteas at our house in Corralitos. I have always had an interest in flowers, and proteas are some of my favorites.
Next in Photography
great photos
Those are awesome pics, I want a camera like that!
The pics are great, but I have the slight feeling that there is a bit too much green. Not in the setup! In the colors. My screen is still in calibrated, so maybe you should take out some green ?
The “color correctness” is the one thing I like most about my Olympus DSLR…