California Mountain Unicycle Weekend

General, Unicycling

Last weekend was the annual “California Mountain Unicycle Weekend” (official website at the SB Unicycle Club). This year, it was held in Santa Barbara, California. I had a BLAST! As usual, other people took a lot of great pictures. Here are some of the highlights:

Some of Nathan Hoover’s pictures on the Cold Springs trail:
My “purple panties” outfit.
Me riding down one of the last tricky bits of Cold Springs.
..and the “Saddle Rock” trail (intense!):
Barley making it down!
..and the “street competition”, which I got last in!

Nathan also has some good pictures of other people..but heck, this is my blog!

So, I left work Thursday evening and drove over to Jason and Sara’s house. I hitched a ride down to SB with them, and we found (a) campsite at about midnight; it wasn’t exactly ours, so we switched to the official one in the morning. After registration, we shuttled to the top of the mountain and rode down the Cold Springs trail. Boy! I wish it had some cold springs on it, because it was HOT out. After the ride, we went back to the campsite and chilled for a short bit before going off to dinner w/the group.

Saturday was an easier ride; well, by easier, I mean shorter. We hiked up Saddle Rock, and attempted to ride down. it was a blast! After that, we had the trials competition, which I attempted. I then did the street competition after getting encouragement from the others. I showed off my extreme skills, such as “idling” and “riding backwards”, to score me last place :)

Saturday night, we had a superior banquet. Eyal and the SB uni people totally outdid themselves. It was killer! there was a ton of unicycle gear to give away, and lots of stuff. i got my Defect DVD from Dan via Jess, and I finally got Universe 2 (via a prize on the prize table!).

Sunday was a mellower ride, but fun!


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