Berkeley Juggling and Unicycle Festival

General, Unicycling

Last weekend, I went to the Berkeley Juggling and Unicycle Festival. I had a ton of fun!

I got there on Saturday morning at about 11 am. I started hopping around on my trials uni with some other people and then saw a reporter for the Daily Cal who interview some of us. She ended up using a quote from me in the report here:, although my name has a typo (corbin dunn, not corbin dinn!).

Nathan, as usual, took a ton of cool pictures. A few of the cool ones with me in them are:

standing on a sign thing on my coker.
coker wheel walking (a favorite of mine now)
Although, the video of Beau riding a Coker ultimate wheel is the best!

So, Saturday was packed with uni-fun, including a cool uni-workshop by John Foss. I played uni-basketball for the first time — it is a lot more fun that I had anticipated, and I might be traveling up to berkeley a little more frequently to get in some games :)

We had great dinner at the Pyramid brewery, and aftwards went to the “public show”. It was killer! The last act was amazing. the guy was wicked good at juggling, and even more impressive on the diablo.

Sunday was a blast! In the morning, we did an 8-mile or so coker/29’er/geared 36’er (Mike!) ride around Berk. The best part was this one guy from Critical Mass following us around on his bike and towing a huge stereo system blasting cool music. Tom did a great job of organizing a lot of the uni things, and this was the highlight! I did manage to fall down on the ride; i was blasting my coker on the little water ledge on the side of the road and slipped off; my knees are pretty scratched up. Luckily, thanks to Nancy and her first aid kit, the swelling on my right knee went down.

After that, we did lunch at a Thai place. Then, it was off to some muni-action! I put on a new tube, and we rode some of the craziest trails in Oakland; they were a great prep for this weekends muni-weekened in SB. Nick took some killer video footage that i can’t wait to see. Overall, a blast! i will go next year.



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Wow. What fun. I wish I´d have been there. I love the pictures. You are amazing, my dear. I love you.

Berkeley Juggling and Unicycle Festival

General, Unicycling

The “Berkeley Juggling and Unicycle Festival” is this Fri, Sat and Sunday:

I’ll be there! Come say hi. I’ll be riding a unicycle.


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Joe Di Salvo

Hi Corbin,

I was the guy at the front desk at the Berkeley Juggling Festival (UC Santa Cruz alum). I happened on your webpage when I was looking up coverage for our festival. Anyway, thought I’d say hi, thanks for coming to the festival and drop by the Berkeley Club anytime (always have crash space around). Also, I wanted to mention that one other organizer, Jeff Zerger, is also an Apple employee and works with servers down there a few times a week. You should keep an eye out. Anyway, thanks for coming by the festival and we hope to see you next year.


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